In the DARPA AMP program, we developed, under the MRAM project, a prototype end-to-end binary patching platform and associated workflow that significantly reduces the costs of patching stripped binaries, the CodeHawk Binary Patcher (CBP). CBP's cost reduction is achieved by lifting the binary into a form that can be edited by a typical software engineer (as opposed to the rare and highly skilled reverse engineer). Concomitantly, our platform drastically decreases the likelihood of errors by formally validating the translation steps of the process and by providing the developer with assurance artifacts for review. Furthermore, the platform enacts minimally invasive changes to the binary, with the ability to reason about individual expressions and instructions, maintaining the testing and certifications applied to the original binary. We have implemented a prototype binary patching and assurance graphical user-interface workflow as a plugin to the binary analysis platform Binary Ninja. The MRAM project was employed and evaluated by independent operators from the AMP TA3 performer, with the experience being described as "smooth," "thorough," and "intuitive."