Dr. Sipma is the principal developer and maintainer of the CodeHawk Analysis Tool Suite. Her background is in formal methods and static analysis, with a focus on abstract interpretation. Henny received her PhD in computer science from Stanford University, under supervision of Prof. Zohar Manna.
Prior to joining Aarno, Henny was a research scientist at Kestrel Technology, where the core of the CodeHawk Tool Suite was developed with funding from DARPA, DHS and others, before it was open-sourced on GitHub in 2019.
Henny started out as a chemical engineer and worked as a process control technologist for Shell in Houston TX, Singapore, and The Netherlands, where she participated in the specification, design, and development of process control and supervisory systems.
Henny's primary interests are to combine all of that experience towards developing tools and techniques for the analysis, verification, and hardening of system software and embedded systems.
In her spare time, Henny likes reading, and watching the Berliner Philharmoniker.
While at Stanford, Henny co-authored more than 50 papers in journals and conferences, including in Theoretical Computer Science, Formal Methods in System Design, CAV, CADE, POPL, VMCAI. For a full list see,
- Multifocal Relational Analysis for Assured Micropatching: Final Report. Aarno Labs Technical Report, 2024
- IDA Pro Plugins for CodeHawk-Binary. Aarno Labs Technical Report, 2023
- A Unified Algebraic Framework Of Program Analyses. LangSec, 2021